Behavior Exchange: 3rd Quarterly Report 2018

The 3rd quarterly report 2018 of Behaviour Exchange (former Content Exchange) was sent to all investors. If you did not receive the report as an investor please contact
The following information can be transmitted to you in excerpts:
Dear investors,
in Q3 we have continued with our plan for the year 2018 which is to include new partners into the platform and improve our back-end infrastructure in order to be a reliable partner for our cooperating websites.
We have also ported some of our developments on Content Exchange to our different country Content Exchange websites.
We are happy to report that the number of
partners in Content Exchange has also grown from 214 in Q2 to 225 websites.
Sales activities followed movements in Q2 2018. Promotion of Behaviour Exchange was mainly connected to private sale, and in the last month also to promote the Behaviour Exchange product to first potential clients.
We expect further development of the project to follow the project’s plan.
Best regards,
Your Behaviour Exchange-team